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Become a Citizen Scientist

Make a difference with your Smartphone.

If you live in Nepal and are interested in participating in S4W-Nepal as a citizen scientist please contact us or send us an email at  All that is needed is enthusiasm and access to an Android Smartphone; we’ll teach you the rest!  Currently, citizen scientists can participate by measuring rainfall, groundwater levels, surface water levels, land use, and water flow and quality from stone spouts (plus a lot more on the way too!).  Here is a list of steps to get involved:

  1. Install and configure ODK Collect on your Android smartphone
  2. S4W – Rainfall Measurements with Enketo (non-Android devices)
  3. Learn how to take measurements
  4. Build an S4W rain gauge (rainfall)
  5. Start collecting data!
  6. Contact S4W-Nepal with questions about measuring other parameters