Publications Our Peer Reviewed Articles Leveraging Citizen Science for Sustainable Development Education and Water Security in Northern Ghana Anticipated Shifting of Thermal and Moisture Boundary Under Changing Climate Across Nepal Indirect impact of climate change on groundwater resources of Kathmandu Valley Streams, sewage, and shallow groundwater: stream-aquifer interactions in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal Impact of Climate Change on the Streamflow Modulated by Changes in Precipitation and Temperature in the North Latitude Watershed of Nepal Measuring the unseen: mobilizing citizen scientists to monitor groundwater in Nepal Citizen Science Water Projects in Nepal: Participant Motivations And the Impacts of Involvement Appraising the Potential of Using Satellite-based Rainfall Estimates for Evaluating Extreme Precipitation: A Case Study of August 2014 Event across the West Rapti River Basin, Nepal Less rain and rainy days—lessons from 45 years of rainfall data (1971–2015) in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal How do CMIP6 models project changes in precipitation extremes over seasons and locations across the mid hills of Nepal? Evaluation of different precipitation inputs on streamflow simulation in Himalayan River basin Observations and climate models confirm precipitation pattern is changing over Nepal Investigating the nexus of groundwater levels, rainfall and land-use in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal Assessment of vertical accuracy of open source 30m resolution space-borne digital elevation models Evaluation of Urban Heat Island (UHI) Using Satellite Images in Densely Populated Cities of South Asia Return Level Analysis of the Hanumante River Using Structured Expert Judgment: A Reconstruction of Historical Water Levels Mobilizing Young Researchers, Citizen Scientists, And Mobile Technology To Close Water Data Gaps: Methods Development And Initial Results In The Kathmandu Valley, Nepal Soda Bottle Science—Citizen Science Monsoon Precipitation Monitoring In Nepal Citizen Science Flow – An Assessment Of Simple Streamflow Measurement Methods Quantifying The Connections—Linkages Between Land-Use And Water In The Kathmandu Valley, Nepal Quantifying Uncertainties in Climate Change Projection and Its Impact on Water Availability in the Thuli Bheri River Basin, Nepal An Outlook on the Applicability of Satellite Precipitation Products for Monitoring Extreme Precipitation Events in Nepal Himalaya Evaluating Magnitude Agreement and Occurrence Consistency of CHIRPS Product with Ground-Based Observations over Medium-Sized River Basins in Nepal